Sunday, October 7, 2012

A New Normal

My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for he who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his name.

This all familiar passage is from Luke 1:46-49.  Mary is singing a song of praise to her God, her Rock, her Savior.  And if someone who never has heard the name of Jesus or read the Bible was reading this, you would think she was just given some material blessing or easy promise of her future.  She is passionately praising His name, gratefully magnifying Him with everything in her. 

Those familiar with this passage know that this song was the response she gave after the angel visited her and after Elizabeth confirmed what the Lord had spoken.  She was pregnant - out of wedlock (socially and morally devastating) and without having known a man (physically impossible).  Even so, her response was praise!  Her response was obedience, completely giving over of herself to questions, fears, ridicule, gossip, frustration, and in those days, possibly death.

Imagine it.  Really, put yourself in her place. 

I find it very hard to.  Mainly because so many times when I am given a promise or asked to go and do things that seem impossible my response is doubt, fear, questioning the validity, and a bumbed out spirit - just to be honest.

As coaches wives, we are asked to give of ourselves in so many ways.  There are many things we go through that, other than probably a preacher's wife, no one else on this planet has to endure!  And how often do we get down in that "bumbed spirit" and question our role or if this is "where we are supposed to be"?

I am reminding you as I remind myself.  We were first created to be in fellowship with our Heavenly Father (Gen. 1), next we were created as a "helper fit for him (our husband)" (Gen. 2).  Because of this, we know all God's promises are true!  We are at this place because the God who created us knows better than us - yes He does :).    For me, even in this "season" of rebuilding - literally - I am here to support and help my husband and to shine the light of Jesus no matter how dark it gets....even as dark as 0-19 (and I am serious by the way :) ). 

Football is just a tool.  It is just the avenue Jesus is walking with us to reach people to spend eternity with Him.  He has given us all an avenue.  A road to walk down to ultimately bring glory to Him and many many souls to heaven.

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder!! We are 0-5 this year (Varsity) and JV and Freshmen aren't that much better. We were so excited as my husband's hard work finally got him promoted to the Varsity RB Coach position, but it has brought on a new level of emotions since we are having such a tough year. This isn't to say that our losing season last year wasn't as tough, which it was, but this year is a bit different. We have some new coaches, which is good. We just lost a lot of players who either graduated or chose for one reason or another to not play anymore. Then we lost players when they were injured. We know with 100% certainty that God has placed us in the season for a reason. It is hard as a coach and it is hard as his wife. It is a life not many understand or can even fully wrap their brain around. I pray that God continues to use you all during not only this season but this school year! HE is doing GREAT things even when we cannot see them! Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!!
