Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No Longer Slaves

You split the sea so I can walk right through it ~ I am a child of God (Bethel Music)

You see, this journey we are on, here on earth ~ just a vapor ~ has been purposely planned before the foundation of its beginning (Psalm 139).  Everything you do, everything you are, everything you become has a purpose.  It called God's plan for your life.  Yep.  Slave or free, He has a plan for you.  He wishes that none would perish.  None.  Neither Jew or Greek, slave or free (Romans 10:12). 

That's me by the way. Free. I once was a slave, but by the overwhelming grace of God through the blood of Jesus I AM free.

Free from fear.
Free from doubt.
Free from sin.
Free from my thoughts.
Free from my past.
Free from the struggles in my future.
Free from my fleshly desires.
Free from suffocating desire in wanting a baby.
Free from the fear of motherhood.
Free from Me.

Because I choose to follow Christ.  I choose to be free.  That means no matter what comes my way, I am free from the world's answer to it. These things are inevitable. That's just the result of a fallen world, broken by sin.  But, oh beloved, take heart because the Prince of Peace has overcome this world! Because of that I can walk in the assurance that in my heart I may plan my course but the Lord will direct my steps (Proverbs 16:9). And because He is in it ~ it will be perfect.  Through my weakness His power is perfect.  His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).

We are entering a new 'season' as football family. So many unknowns. But, what I do know is this has not caught God by surprise. And for that, I am overwhelmed at His goodness and faithfulness. Nothing compares to the peace in knowing your are at the complete center of His will. Nothing. No matter what comes ~ even a couple of '0-for' seasons....


And for that I will not walk in fear!