Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

                                        Merry Christmas from the Cooks!

These next few days are often the only "rest" days coaches get.  Take the time to thank them for their hard work and cherish every moment!  Hug and kiss your coach - no matter what circumstances you are in, Christ loves us no matter what and we are called to do the same.  For those with heavy hearts this season, for whatever reason, be comforted in the arms of Christ.  He is coming to make all things new one day (Rev. 21:5) and we will be without tears - forever!!  Hold on to this truth and embrace this holiday for what it is - remembering and celebrating our salvation, peace and freedom in Christ.

I want to thank all of you for "following" this blog.  Obedience is not always easy and it makes us uncomfortably sometimes, but so much blessing has come from this.  I hope and pray that you grow in the Lord more as you read. 

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Anxiety & Good Words

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.  Proverbs 12:25

This scripture jumped out at me today.  I have read it a hundred times. But today the Lord revealed to me a truth that I know my husband needs.  I am his helper (Gen. 2).  I am placed here to lift him up and give him "good words", not words of discouragement but encouragement. 

I am sure we are not the only ones whose job often brings about anxieties and stresses that if left unattended could really drive you crazy - literally! The great thing about a coaches' wives association is knowing and sharing things to help each other. So, if nothing else comes from this, know that - YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!

One thing we do have to remember is that our own words will fade away but God's words have the power to change lives!  So, when we go looking for that 'right thing to say when it's really bad', look to the scriptures.  That is where life is.  That is where we find hope, peace, encouragements, and words that are on a foundation that will never move (Luke 6).