Saturday, August 31, 2013

And if our God is for us...

Our God is  greater!  He is greater when we win, He is greater when we lose.

I actually started this post on Thursday and well, life happened, and I had to "save" it and come back to it later...

Now it is Saturday morning, Coach is driving to the Delta to exchange film, I am not real sure what time he got home.  The kids are still asleep and honestly if it weren't for the dog asking to go outside I would be too :).  So, I decided to open my blog and finish.  It's not much, but it is speaking VOLUMES to me today.  My humble prayer is that through the life God walks us through we can bless and minister to others as well.


It's Thursday night - tomorrow is game day, worship music is on, kids are playing and dancing, I'm 'taking every thought captive' as I try to settle my nerves in preparation for Coach coming home....this is such an unsettled familiar place to me...and I often wonder if it is to anyone else...who else can even begin to understand what is going on here...

Then that sweet still small voice speaks to me, "Daughter, I understand.  I work all things for good to those who love Me.  Do you love Me?  Do you trust Me?  If I am for you, then who can be against you?"

God is for me.  God is for my husband.  God is for my family.  He has everything designed to work for His Glory.  Despite our circumstances, may I be found faithful in doing everything as unto Him. 
