Friday, May 18, 2012

Fighting Players

As my coach and I were discussing their "last day of spring practice scrimmage" he made a statement that caused my eyebrows to raise.  Referring to when 2 of his players got into a heated tuff yesterday he said,  "I don't want players that fight but I do want fighting players".  I sat there for a minute - hmmm, that is a very interesting point....

I have recently read a book by Jennie Allen called Anything.  She wrote a short passage sharing with us what the Lord was telling her about fighting brave in complete abandonment to Him:
You protect yourself with me.
     You bind truth to the front of you so when darkness comes you remember me.  You remember I am bigger.  You remember I win.  You remember I am with you today and forever; even if you can't see me.  I am there.  You put my Word, my truth, in front of you.  Protect yourself with and my righteousness. 
     And then, you run.  Let your feet carry you into battle building my name, sharing my love, telling my story, showing my glory.  Go.  Run.  Fight.  Do not just sit there feeling sorry for yourself.  Run and fight.
     Let your shield be faith.  See, if I am real to you-if you believe you stand behind the God of the universes-you won't need to be afraid.  You may get tired but you won't forget why this war matters if you don't forget me.  You'll fight bravely, like someone who knows she fights for a cause worth dying for.  You'll keep fighting if you see me.
     You have me with you - I am in you.
     Fight bravely because I am for you and I am with you.

God has been speaking this over his people since the beginning of time.  He has prepared us in his Word for this war.  It is a war.  If you believe ANYTHING at all about God's Word - then YOU MUST believe we are in a battle.  It is definintley not the pretty side of following - but it is the side that promises victory in Jesus.         

There are so many ways we fight WITH things in this world that cause us to lose our will to fight FOR those things we should - the eternal victories.  So, as we pray daily for our meals, children, job, families, sickness, etc. let's not forget to pray for the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10) to surround us!  He wants "fighting players" on HIS team! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Fever

For those of us in Mississippi it is definitely as hot as fever right now!  I just don't know how those boys and coaches practice in this day after day.

For most of the football world it is back to the gridiron once again.  I must be honest and say I am so glad - I have kinda missed it :)  Having said that, this is the time of year that it gets a little tough for moms and wives.  Your responsibilities at home increase while time with your coach decreases.  This is NORMAL!  You are NOT ALONE!  But let's remember that we are his helper (Gen 2:18) and that we can do ALL things through Christ (Phil 4:13). 

You have been placed here for a purpose.  Don't let the enemy mislead you in thinking otherwise.  Put on that armor (Eph 6) and stay ever so close to the firm Foundation (Luke 6).

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