Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 MCWA T-Shirt is here!

A must have for ALL wives and kids :)

This design is especially in honor and memory of Amanda Price.  We are selling these Tshirts now and will deliver them at the brunch on Wednesday, July 11.  If you are unable to attend the brunch I will be happy to get yours to you - just email me when after you purchase it on the link to the right.

The shirt will be white with the MCWA logo on the front pocket and the design shown on the back.

                                                                      FRONT POCKET


                                                                        BACK CENTER

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at


  1. I will not be able to attend luncheon - hopefully next year. I am a 20 year veteran of coaching/supporting. My husband is an asst. football; head boys & girls basketball; and golf coach. We do not have an off season. Our weekly date night this week consisted of refinishing the gym floor!! I do, however, want a t-shirt. May he purchase one at the clinic on Wednesday? Keep up the great work! I've often wanted a coaches' wives sound-off, sisterhood, and message board. Thank you for doing this.

    1. He can purchase one for you! We have Adult sm, med, lg and xl left. He will just need to come to the penthouse reception room to buy it. If you wanted to secure a size you can go ahead and pay for it here. I only ordered a few extras and can only guarantee the sizes that have been paid for. (really we should have several adult med, lg and xl there). Feel free to email me at for more info or questions! And thank you so much!
