Monday, January 9, 2012

Tebow's Gift

Think about the last time you were given a gift worth something.  A gift that meant everything to you.  Something you knew took thought, time and effort.  Think about may have been when you were a kid or something more recent.  What did you do with that gift?  Did you just put it away in your room and never show it to anyone or tell anyone about it?  Did you forget about it or forget to thank the person from whom it was given?  Absolutely NOT!  You told everyone you knew!  You showed it off.  You thanked the person over and over.  It was on public display.  You were proud of it.  You may have even told people the way you came about getting this gift.  You were definitely not ashamed of it.

Like Tim Tebow, if you are in Christ, you have been given a gift.  "We like all sheep have gone astray - we have turned - everyone - to his own way..." (Isaiah 53:6)  "He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  By His wounds you have been healed."  (1 Peter 2:24)  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

What if all believers (at least the ones that really are) lived as Tim Tebow - unto the Lord - in EVERYTHING they do?

Why is it so amazing and the media (even the Church) so blown away at the life of Tim Tebow?  He is just living as Jesus says to.......we should all magnify the Lord - and be humble - and work hard - and forgive - and encourage - and smile - and live righteously - ALL THE TIME!

Tim Tebow has been given the same Gift we have.  We don't need a football field and ESPN to give us a reason to proclaim Jesus!  :)  I have a feeling Tebow would AMEN this too!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Anything for a season...

For most of us, the Christmas holidays are wrapping up, the kids are getting restless, and routine is much needed.  And as our husbands are preparing for the next "season" we continue our encouragement and support.  See, in our house our calendar year is broken down in to "seasons".  But they are not spring, summer, fall, winter - they are spring football, summer workouts, official practice, regular season, playoffs, off season, spring sport (whatever that happens to be - it will be track this year), and then we start over :)  In an earlier post I quoted a friend of mine telling me that I can do anything for a season.  Funny thing is I was not even married to a football coach at that time, but amazing how that simple word of encouragement has carried me through 9 football seasons!

As we start this new year I wanted to write a message of encouragement.  Whatever season you are about to enter I pray that you will remember and cling to a few things:

1- God is always faithful -
2 Thess 3:3-5  "But the Lord is faithful.  He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.  And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things that we command.  May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ."

2- Jesus wants all of you -
Luke 14:25-26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his own life-he cannot be my disciple."
Now, of course Jesus is not telling you to actually hate these people.  In the book Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman he explains it like this:
"The NLT says 'hate'.  The Contemporary English Version says 'love me more.'  The most accurate understanding of what Jesus is requiring of his followers is a combination of these two translations.  Jesus is most likely conveying the idea of 'love me more,' but 'hate' is also accurate because it captures the degree to which we love Jesus more."
No matter what we do in life, or what our husbands do, we cannot do anything separate from Jesus being the one and only.  There is no way we can love our husbands and children in the way we were created apart from loving Christ first.

3- You are not alone-
The reason I started this blog was to be an encouragement, and to be encouraged.  The coaching profession is a funny thing and I know that we are most of the time in the background working hard at helping our coach be as successful as he can (for most of us that is the preferred place).  I have a terrible fear of speaking in public or being in front of anyone performing anything!  But not our men!  They are competitors!  So, we often feel like no one else in the world knows what we go through.......First of all, Christ knows.  And He even knows what next year will be like too :)  And second, I know.  And most of you who read this blog know.  So lets be an encouragement together. 

Please share your thoughts and comments here or email me at  I would love to post your stories and thoughts.