I was in Wal-Mart today (Dec. 26) and the cashier said, "Merry Christmas", then caught herself and said, "oh I keep saying that". Well, I replied, "that's ok, it is a Merry Christmas all year long if you know Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today and forever." She smiled and said, "yes, that's right, Merry Christmas."
I am not real sure how it is in other professions, but in the education world, we find ourselves living from season to season. That is, when school starts we can't wait until the first football game, then we can't wait until Thanksgiving break, then we can't wait until Christmas, then spring break, then Easter, then exams and finally summer!!! It is a vicious cycle. Sometimes we get so caught up in when the next "break" will be we get distracted from the now - and what God wants to do with us in the "now".
He says "they that wait on the Lord He will renew their strength (Isaiah 40)" and "if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience (Rom 8)."
Let's face it. We are always in a hurry. But I know that is not what the Lord desires for His people. He puts us in places to use us. Life is but a vapor, it goes by so quickly. We must slow down and listen to the Lord, do what He says today. Tomorrow has its own worries (Matt 6).
So, Merry Christmas today and Merry Christmas tomorrow and Merry Christmas next December, but in the mean time keep your mind on Him, one day at a time.